Apex Mountain View

Apex Mountain View
Apex Mountain View with Cirrus Clouds

The Famous Five

The Famous Five
Atop the Pinnacle at Rockridge Canyon

Wreck Beach Sunset

Wreck Beach Sunset

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Domestic Conundrum

     Mrs. Wells slumped on to the couch next to her husband. "Where have you been all day?" uttered Mrs. Wells anxiously.

     "I had to stay at work a little later today," exclaimed Mr. Wells. "There is an issue with the photocopying machine so I wasn't able to send out my report."

    Mrs. Wells replied, "What was so important about having to send your report today? I've been sitting here watching your roast chicken that I so tirelessly prepared for you get cold! Not to mention thinking about whether you got yourself wrapped around a telephone pole. I know how you like to drive that new convertible."

     “I’m sorry! I…I…” stuttered Mr. Wells, “Listen, the copying machine wasn’t actually broken.”

     "What are you on about?"

     "I...I..." Mr. Wells trailed off and stared blankly at the newspaper in his hands avoiding what he had to explain.

    "What is it Bill?"

   Mr. Wells sighed, "I got laid off today. The company couldn't afford to pay my salary. This damn economic crisis has ruined me!" Mrs. Wells sat speechless and emotionless, simply stunned at her husbands words. "What did I ever do to deserve this? What did I ever do?" preached Mr. Wells. "I was a good worker!"

     "What are we going to do Bill? I don't have a job to help pay for food!" spat Mrs. Wells. "What about the electricity bills? What about our mortgage? About...about...I can't live on the street!"

     "Listen Pam, if we’re going to get through this, I need you to be on my side." Mrs. Wells grabbed her hair with both hands and started to sob. "We need to stay calm. Let's just think this through, okay?" stammered Mr. Wells.

    Mrs. Wells choked, "How can I stay calm? How can I? What are we going to do?" She trailed off and suddenly stopped crying. "I have an idea." stated Mrs. Wells suddenly. "We can leave here. Never come back. The border is only 36 miles south of us!"

     "And we can start a new life!"

     "Exactly!" answered Mrs. Wells enthusiastically. "We'll live on the beach in Guaymas!"

     "That’s a great idea! Let's pack up right now! We can leave for the bus station in an hour!"

     In the distance a sound of multiple sirens echoed and drew closer. Mr. Wells looked up from his paper which he was pretending to read. "There's one thing I forgot to say."

     "What's that?" muttered Mrs. Wells.

     Mr. Wells looked down at the floor and pulled a matte black Heckler and Koch from his waist belt and held it loosely out in front of him. "I shot my boss." Mrs. Wells stood up with a new calm demeanor and cool headedness.

     "Let's go.”

     Mr. and Mrs. Wells quietly slipped out the back door moments before the tactical enforcement team broke down the front door.