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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Creative PSP Assignment #1 - Sonnet

14 Lines
Iambic Pentameter (10 syllables/line)

In Response to Geoffrey West's: "The Surprising Math of Cities and Corporations"

To Think About It

We are addicted to technology,
With all its awesome gadgets and gizmos.
This isn't a meaningless elegy,
A plight to the journey of the cosmos.
If we increase man-made innovation,
What will happen to our society?
What will happen to our population?
We will be praying to our deity.
When our world plunges into a collapse,
No birds singing in the trees anymore.
Won't be any time to think or relapse,
Mindless destruction, we're shutting the door.
We only have one planet, only one,
Why would we develop it 'till it's gone?

My aim with this sonnet is to address not only globalization but urbanization and commercialism. In my eyes, our world is being exploited and damaged for the benefit of a selfish and careless human race. I'm not saying all humans are selfish and careless but I am saying that selfishness exists and that it is prominent in not only the world through environmental degradation but through social justice and equity issues. I'm trying to address how people take what they have for granted and see directly through individual commodities and "mundane" items in our everyday lives instead of realizing and appreciating the complex number of geographies that go into the production, transport and sale of that individual product. We need to see the value in what we consume, and start applying the concept of sustainability to each geographical area we may end up disturbing, corrupting, tainting or utilizing.

Honestly, I look at our world and see a lot of good, and that's what should stand out but in my eyes, our society highlights the disgraceful, demeaning and ugly events and happenings. Of course this important but this constant propaganda of negativity and cruelty only inspires fear, hatred and pity in people. Is this the way we want to live? Our lifestyle reflects who we are and I want to live an optimistic life where I take nothing for granted.