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Apex Mountain View
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Monday, April 2, 2012

A Tree - Poetry Slam (PSP)

A Tree

Mighty giant fallen
            To the forest floor.
Thick gnarled roots
            Clutching at rocks
                        Holding them close, seeking
                                    Security from the earth;
                                                The earth from when its first food came.

Cradled in the bosom of loving Mother Earth.

Lying now its full length stretched,
In pain of death.
Sap, clear and fragrant,
Oozing from broken branches with piney needles,
                        Taking in the sun,
                        Towering over all other living things.

A resting place for birds,
A shelter for the deer.
The stories it could tell of the grass beyond the montains,
Of sparkling rivers coursing their riches to the sea.

And of the coming of progressive man.

In not so many years this mind excelled.

The building of machinery was but,
A simple task. 
Soon the creeping crawling monster,
Wended its way,
Heeding not where it trod,
Caring not for little things,
Making straight for the prize.

The heavenly, stately, irreplaceable tree.

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