Apex Mountain View

Apex Mountain View
Apex Mountain View with Cirrus Clouds

The Famous Five

The Famous Five
Atop the Pinnacle at Rockridge Canyon

Wreck Beach Sunset

Wreck Beach Sunset

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Purpose of the Individual, Is the Common Purpose of the Crowd

Bullying is an epidemic in our country, a blemish on our superior record of the upbringing of our youth. High school for many, is a place that represents an intolerable pit of doom with an endless stream of verbal abuse, physical mishaps and social conundrums. It has to stop.

Princess Margaret Secondary is an oasis on the brutal horizon of high school oppression. The palm trees of inclusion sway in a cool breeze of self confidence and high esteems. The spray of the lapping waves in the pool reflects the refreshing scene of a social model that all students should encourage.

A common undertaking at Princess Margaret Secondary is the well known, high-five. This gesture of affection and appreciation is a pandemic that has infested the school and the people who associate themselves with it. Despite the fact that there are certain cliques and social groups that keep to themselves, the local atmosphere within the school is positive and is stricken with a sense of optimism that everyone feeds ravenously off of. This entitles everyone to connect with one another. Like a crowd. It is harder to control an individual because they have a certain purpose but a crowd is different, it has a common purpose, the purpose of an individual. In this case, this purpose is to function as not as a school but as a family. A community. A living organism that dominates each of its movements with precise control.

There is much to learn from a school like Princess Margaret Secondary. Let every school catch the plague of positivity and optimism, for each and every one of us has a purpose. Why not find and establish a place where you can express your views without being judged? This is what schools everywhere should look up to, and hopefully one day, all schools will see each other as equals. Lets call them, extended family.

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